
O’Malley’s 5 dysfunctions of a cycling team

We work with many different clients who all understand the need for effective, consistent leadership to drive strong business outcomes. The leadership, team effectiveness and culture solutions we use are proven frameworks, principles and approaches that are statistically valid and reliable. The challenge for us is to not only articulate the applicability of a chosen framework to a client’s situation, but to demonstrate the outcomes, what realistically can be expected and what measurable benefit will follow. Citing case studies and the experience of other clients is a great place to start. But there’s nothing like firsthand experience. So I’d like to share my recent experience of the validity of one of the better known team effectiveness frameworks: Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions [...]

By |2020-06-18T14:08:22+10:00August 15th, 2016|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Wouldn’t it be great if all workplaces resulted in the same feeling?

  Holistic management and its fruits.. From Guest Blogger, Seacia Christensen, Steiner Teacher, Education Associate, OMC Group. I have recently returned from a year living in the west. A wild place where a red hot shore line meets the cool aqua waters of the Indian Ocean. I moved up there for a job. It was my dream job; I was under qualified and over enthusiastic. I had visited the town in august of 2013 and had heard about a small community school that had an alternative curriculum. I myself was coming to the end of a two year advanced diploma, which specialised in Steiner education or Waldorf as it is known in the northern hemisphere. I was so stunned to [...]

By |2020-06-18T14:08:33+10:00March 16th, 2016|Uncategorised|0 Comments
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