As a cynical ol’ Gen-Xer, the phrase ‘Millennial’ has traditionally caused me to shake my head and mutter reproaches such as ‘entitled’, ‘disloyal’ and, even worse, ‘earnest’. In my day we didn’t flit from job to job every 5 years and hold our employer accountable to their values and principles. In my day we didn’t demand flexible work conditions that would get the best out of both parties.

Hmmmm…. actually is it possible these young bucks are onto something?

They may well be. Deloitte’s latest survey of almost 8000 educated, employed Millennials (those born between around 1982 & 2000) across 30 countries provides some valuable insights into their aspirations for work, business and society. And as much as I hate to admit it, I kinda like the way they think:

Key findings from the report include:

  • Millennials appear more loyal to employers than a year ago. In a period of great uncertainty, stability is appealing and they would be inclined to turn down offers for freelance work or as consultants.
  • Business is viewed positively and to be behaving in an increasingly responsible manner; but Millennials believe it is not fully realising its potential to alleviate society’s biggest challenges.
  • Businesses frequently provide opportunities for Millennials to engage with “good causes,” helping young professionals to feel empowered while reinforcing positive associations between businesses’ activities and social impact.
  • Built upon a solid, two-way exchange of trust, flexible working continues to encourage loyalty and make a significant contribution to business performance.
  • Millennials tend to have a broadly positive opinion of Gen-Z (those currently aged 18 or younger). Maybe because of perceptions that they have strong information technology skills and the ability to think creatively, most Millennials believe Gen-Z will have a positive impact as their presence in the workplace expands.

One of the fantastic benefits of the work we do at OMC Group is that nearly every week we get the opportunity to spend time with Millennials……… and the reality is, we have more in common than we do have differences, and what they are looking for is actually not that bad.

Now that Millennials comprise a significant and increasing share of the workforce (and an ever-growing proportion of our customers), organisations led by us crusty Boomers and Gen-Xers need to take heed of what makes them tick, so we can get the best out of them – for the benefit of all of us.

To read the full report, visit the Deloitte website here: