When we work with teams we use proven and practical frameworks and concepts to help our clients be even more effective.

One of our favourite concepts which we find really powerful in helping our clients think about the type of environment they are creating for their team is the concept of High Performance and High Satisfaction.

This concept has been presented and discussed in different ways, however at a base level the premise is simple – we all want to work in an environment which is both High Performance and High Satisfaction.

In our opinion, establishing High Performance and High Satisfaction does have linkages to a range of concepts from Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, Human Synergistics Constructive Behaviours and the seminal 1997 Service Profit Chain (Heskett, Sasser and Schlesinger).

But does it actually work?

In September 2019, I was one of 20 riders who pedalled our way from Adelaide to Barwon Heads, over 800kms in total, averaging 6 hours on the bike, riding in 2 groups to keep ourselves save and minimise our footprint on the road and arriving back into Barwon Heads on a Sunday afternoon to be greeted by about 100 family, friends and our community.

Why the ride? – We did it for 2 main reasons:

  1. The challenge, the experience, the fun, the health, the comradery
  2. To raise funds for two local charities who do fantastic work (the Give Where You Live Foundation and The Andrew Love Cancer Centre)

24 hours later, the buzz is still well & truly alive and I expect it to remain like that everytime I reflect on what was a unique experience. Riding from Adelaide to Barwon Heads was a classic High Performance and High Satisfaction experience and we achieved our goal – get everyone home safely, have fun, raise funds.

How did we do this?  Subconsciously we applied the High Performance and High Satisfaction concepts, specifically the 5 Key Questions that help you assess what type of environment you are in:

  1. How clear are you about the Vision / Purpose?
  2. How clear are you about the Goals / your Role?
  3. How do you know if you are performing / what type of Feedback do you get?
  4. What’s in it for me? The No. 1 question we ask when thinking about Recognition / Rewards
  5. Where do I go to for help? What Support is available?

The 5 Key Questions and Bridge2Bridge2 – Adelaide to Barwon Heads.

  1. We were all crystal clear about the Vision / Purpose – that is why we signed up! Not only were we clear, it meant something to us. Get 20 riders and 3 support crew safely from Adelaide to Barwon Heads, have fun and raise funds for two charities. We were able to articulate this Vision and Purpose in a compelling way such that the support we received both locally and on the ride itself was amazing – over $40,000 raised which exceeded all expectations.
  1. Goals and Roles. We established a sub-committee that led the planning, determining the route, booking accommodation, confirming equipment requirements, attracting sponsors and creating our social media program. During the ride itself, the two groups were evenly balanced with strong and less strong riders changing everyday to ensure the Vision was achieved. A team briefing every morning set the expectations, tasks were allocated and the load shared amongst the broader team.
  1. Expectations were established early, 6 months before the ride. To be able to participate, there were basic key criteria that each rider needed to commit to (including a commitment to a solid fitness level) and in the lead up and during the ride, those expectations were reinforced. On the ride itself, the positive reinforcement of achievement and contribution to team stages built confidence – within individuals and across the group.
  1. Recognition and Reward. Contributions from team members were consistent and positive. We didn’t complete the ride for recognition, but we did recognise each other every time a contribution was made. For the reward, we have a feeling and a memory that of a unique experience that will make us smile for a very long time to come.
  1. Support – where do we start? Our community was sensational. This was our second charity ride (the first was Sydney to Barwon Heads in 2016) and yet again friends, family and local businesses went above and beyond. On the ride itself, any call-outs for assistance and “ease off the pace” were met with immediate positive response. The sight of seeing one of our stronger riders with his hand in the back of a fellow rider, supporting him and gently pushing him up a long and steep descent, then staying with him as he recovered to complete the same process for the next 3 hills – amazing.

Whilst it’s not a work place, the B2B2 process and ride from Adelaide to Barwon Heads was definitely High Performance and High Satisfaction. We were clear about our answers to those 5 key questions – and that led to achievement (actually exceeding) our goal.

So, the question for us all is – what type of environment do we have in our workplace? Potentially applying the 5 Key Questions might be something to consider for you and your team. If you would like to explore this further, please make contact with us at OMC Group.

Will there be a Bridge2Bridge3? We think so – 2022 here we come!