
Psychological Safety

They are unique. They are intelligent. They are creative. They are positive, hardworking, motivated. They are a tremendous asset to your team. But do they feel seen? Do they feel heard? Do they feel their unique skills and expertise are appreciated and utilised? Do they feel as though they can come to you with tough issues? Finding out how psychologically safe your team feel is essential for optimum performance. Harvard Business School Professor and author Amy Edmondson has developed a simple 7-item questionnaire to assess the degree to which people feel psychologically safe. To what extent would your team members agree with the statements below about what it is like to work in your team? If you make a mistake [...]

By |2023-03-28T16:24:14+11:00March 28th, 2023|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Psychological Safety

Grow your Mindset

Answer the following questions about intelligence. Reach each statement and decide whether you mostly agree with it or disagree with it: Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can’t change very much You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit You can always substantially change how intelligent you are How did you go, what were your responses? In 2006, Dr Carol Dweck wrote a ground-breaking book “Mindset – Changing the you think to fulfil your potential”. Dr Dweck is one of the world’s leading researchers in the fields of personality, social psychology and developmental psychology. [...]

By |2021-06-16T16:04:36+10:00June 16th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Grow your Mindset

Re-Imagining Your Business

Our goal is to work with individuals, teams and organisations to enable effective change and achieve outcomes – so it was sensational in 2020 to work with Senior Associates Jo Clancy (The Adaptability Factor) and Adrian Hart (Chilwell Consulting) on an integrated program to increase service design capability, enhance growth culture, integrate strategy and metrics – and ultimately improve customer experience and business outcomes. It was such an enjoyable and impactful program, in November we sat down and reflected on some of the key concepts and their relevance right now, we also identified the power of integration, the early signs of success when we knew it was working, and then finally our Top Tips. We have worked together on [...]

By |2021-01-28T12:35:20+11:00January 28th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Re-Imagining Your Business

Optimum Performance Model

The question many businesses asks is: How do we work out what parts of the business are working and what parts need an increased focus so we are more efficient and effective? OMC Group believes the answer is a sound framework applied across the organisational environment that enables leaders and teams to remove themselves from the day to day momentum and take a broader view of the operating system. A Framework enables objective assessment as to the current state, and importantly whether the current activity will help them achieve what is possible – optimum performance. Whilst there are great tools and frameworks that focus on key components of strategy or culture, and some excellent approaches to reviewing people systems, the [...]

By |2020-12-01T21:38:05+11:00December 1st, 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Optimum Performance Model

Capability, culture and control

We all know the world is not quite what it used to be, and we are not really sure about what it might be. But, we do know we need to do somethings differently, and we have some proven frameworks that helps us make those decisions. In recent months, I have been collaborating with Senior Associates Adrian Hart and Jo Clancy as we deliver an integrated service design capability and growth culture program for a key client. The client has a very successful history, a truly exciting future with new business strategies beginning to bear fruit, and they recognised that despite some long-standing customers, their approach to service delivery wasn’t optimal. So, we partnered with them to design an integrated [...]

By |2020-07-24T16:49:50+10:00July 24th, 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Capability, culture and control

High Performance and High Satisfaction – is it possible?

When we work with teams we use proven and practical frameworks and concepts to help our clients be even more effective. One of our favourite concepts which we find really powerful in helping our clients think about the type of environment they are creating for their team is the concept of High Performance and High Satisfaction. This concept has been presented and discussed in different ways, however at a base level the premise is simple – we all want to work in an environment which is both High Performance and High Satisfaction. In our opinion, establishing High Performance and High Satisfaction does have linkages to a range of concepts from Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, Human Synergistics Constructive Behaviours and the [...]

By |2020-06-18T14:07:54+10:00September 25th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Reviewing today to create tomorrow

“I know there are challenges in how my team is working, but at this time of year our priority is on delivering on our commitments, and just getting through. I do want to address the issues within the team, but it will have to be later in the year, when we have a bit of breathing space” This is a version of an often heard comment from senior leaders and from a number of perspectives it is a completely understandable and realistic frustration. The pressures at this time of year are significant: hit the final revenue and cost targets (or prepare to explain why not) wrap-up year-end financials complete the annual performance feedback process get ready for the next financial [...]

By |2020-06-18T14:07:59+10:00June 17th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Investing in your team pays dividends – an OMC Group success story

The Situation The team was about to undergo significant change with the transition from an established, respected and long-serving CEO to a new CEO transitioning from the Deputy CEO role. As the team had a history of success, every year the expectations for delivery – both in terms of quantity and complexity increased. There were a range of indicators emerging that confirmed that for this group to continue to deliver in line with increasing expectations, there was a growing requirement to better leverage the individual resources in the group to create a more established and integrated team. The subsequent approach was instigated by a core group of senior managers including the then Deputy CEO and two senior managers who were [...]

By |2020-06-18T14:08:04+10:00September 19th, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Millennials – the new breed of leader

As a cynical ol’ Gen-Xer, the phrase ‘Millennial’ has traditionally caused me to shake my head and mutter reproaches such as ‘entitled’, ‘disloyal’ and, even worse, ‘earnest’. In my day we didn’t flit from job to job every 5 years and hold our employer accountable to their values and principles. In my day we didn’t demand flexible work conditions that would get the best out of both parties. Hmmmm…. actually is it possible these young bucks are onto something? They may well be. Deloitte’s latest survey of almost 8000 educated, employed Millennials (those born between around 1982 & 2000) across 30 countries provides some valuable insights into their aspirations for work, business and society. And as much as I hate [...]

By |2020-06-18T14:08:08+10:00March 2nd, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Leadership development delivers improved on‑the-job performance

OMC Group is fortunate to work with Australian Hotels Association / Tourism Accommodation Association membership organisations in SA, Victoria, NSW and Queensland in facilitating 1 and 2 day leadership development programs. We recently completed a review of the feedback from the 280 people who have attended these workshops and were rapt that over 75% Strongly Agreed and a further 25% Agreed with the the statement - “I would recommend this program to others”.  Similarly, 65% Strongly Agreed and a further 35% Agreed with the the statement - “Participation in this will assist me in my daily work”. We see the engagement and energy in the programs so it’s always great to hear that the concepts and learning are really Enabling Effective Change. [...]

By |2020-06-18T14:08:14+10:00October 14th, 2016|Uncategorised|0 Comments
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